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A Full Service Construction Electronics Company
Serving Central Texas Since 1983
TX Lic: B-07974 TX ACR-1421

CALL: 254.933.8335
1. I Have An Existing System:
If you have an existing system and are happy with it but simply want to activate it for monitoring, we are here for you. Simply give us a call and we can monitor virtually any Security System on the market. We can monitor any system through our cellular communicator so if you also wish to cut your landline telephone bill, this is a great time to start saving!
Some of the popular systems include:

3. My Home / Business is Pre-Wired:
VIP Security has Pre-Wired many houses in the Central Texas area for over 30 years and there is a good chance your house was pre-wired by us! Only VIP Security will warrant your pre-wire if your home was prewired by our professional installers. Often times a home buyer will get a system installed years after closing on their new home, only to find out they have damaged security wires. VIP Security stands by our warranty and will have a solution to fix or replace any security wire in most situations at no cost to you.
Don't know if your home is prewired or not? Call us today and we can walk you through how to look around your home for signs that your home is prewired and we can also come out and provide a security solution that meets your budget.
2. I Would Like to Replace My System:
Whether you have an existing hard wired system or an existing wireless system, we can upgrade your system to a more modern look and style. System prices may vary with or without an agreement to VIP Security Monitoring Services. Call us today for your free customized quote.
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